Aug 07, 2021
Digital and Digital Category 2

TT. Jagannathan Contributes INR 10 Crore to establish Endowment at IIT Madras

T.T Jagannathan, Chairman of TTK Prestige, contributed Rs 10 Crore to IIT Madras to establish an endowment, which will be used for further research. The interest from the endowment will be used to support new research pursuits by IIT Madras students and faculty.

As a distinguished alumnus of IIT Madras, Jagannathan was part of the 1970 batch of students. He was awarded the Gold medal from IIT Madras for best academic performance in Mechanical Engineering.

In recognition of his achievements and to commemorate his contributions to the business world, IIT Madras announced that an auditorium is being named after Jagannathan.


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